Page created December 28, 2004
Sitting done November 29, 2004

Here's a first -- I ask a totally nude model to put some clothing back on!  She calls those pants her "comfy jammies", and I think they are so incredible, especially how they hang so low.  I think that when she's wearing them, her high waist is emphasized.




What can be more simple & fun than "peek-a-boo"?
Doesn't Lindsay's tan look terrific?


You'll note a few things.  I did change the lighting, and this lighting works really well with Lindsay's tan.  You'll also note that Lindsay really knows how to move her hips.  Finally, those low, low pants are simply yummy.

The two images above were film images; this image to the right is a digital image.  I've got to say that I really like the tonality & sharpness of the film images best.




I like displaying quite a few images from each sitting.  I had a comment from a visitor suggesting that I pick & post only the best two or three images from a sitting.  He doesn't quite get what I'm about -- the images are of secondary importance to me.  I make these images for the simple experience of it all and for the lessons I learn along the way.

This image here isn't one of my favorites.  In fact, it illustrates that often lighting that is great for the figure isn't so great for the face.  I love the torso lighting -- I like how the architecture of the human anatomy is displayed.  But I don't like how the lighting coming from the right side of the image falls on Lindsay's mouth.  By the time this light strikes Lindsay's face, it is coming from below.  I call that "Boris Karloff lighting", which isn't usually desirable.

See -- I learned something, and I was able to share that with you.  That is what this site is all about.  We'd miss that if I showed only the best two or three images.

Moving on...


Here's some advice for models.  Like Kira, Lindsay didn't get much sleep the night before, and sometimes that shows around the eyes.  So, for all models out there:

Get Some Sleep!!!

For the most part, this was a higher-than-average energy sitting for me, and because of that, Lindsay's brain was engaged throughout (always a good thing!).  That helped quite a bit.  For the photographers out there -- just be aware that some lighting scheme will show bags under the eyes, while other setups will hide them.  Of course, Lindsay's figure can be hypnotizing.  It's difficult, but you've got to look at everything in the image.

But there is no substitute for a good night's rest.






I don't photograph models' backs often enough.  It's a little difficult for me.  During the sitting, and especially during this one, I'm interacting with the model, and that's a bit more difficult when the model is turned away from you.

But as far as backs go, Lindsay's back is terrific.  She has good muscle tone and a narrow waist.  Let's see!










Now that I'm looking at this photo, I'm thinking about cropping it a bit -- crop so that the bottom of the image is just above the pockets, or even cropping the comfy jammies out of the photograph altogether.  I like this image, though.  I always like images that display the human architecture.  I like the deep shadows, the curve of Lindsay's shoulder, even the glimpses of her facial features. 


Okay, I'm not totally insane.  Somewhere along the line, I ask Lindsay to remove her comfy jammies.

Here's Lindsay's natural gesture again, hands clasped under her chin, elbows in.    







I must have said something exceedingly funny or amusing!  This is not the best picture of the sitting, but wow -- that's a full body expression Lindsay is wearing.

I can't tell you how delightful this sitting was, from start to finish, but perhaps you can get that impression from these photographs.  







Okay, Lindsay is naked, and we are having a great time.  I don't know what you do with a naked lady, but I do figure studies!!!  Well, to be serious -- it's difficult for me to work with a model for the first time:  even though I typically have seen photographs of the model, I really don't know what she looks like until I light her myself; also, I don't get a sense of the model's personality or how the model moves or how the model reacts to me until I meet her.  On the other hand, it's important to plan your sitting -- at my level, it's not enough to have a beautiful model in beautiful lighting; you've got to plan more for your sitting.  So, first sittings are always a challenge.

For this sitting, I planned to do some classic figure studies at some point.  So, we do.

This sitting continues on the Lindsay, Figure Studies.


(Remember -- feedback is always appreciated) 

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