As it turns out, several of the previous sittings with models have been during early afternoon hours.  I've been noticing that the lighting around the house changes fairly significantly during the day; I've also noticed that the lighting changes with the seasons.  So, I asked Leona to come over later in the afternoon, and by the time we completed the "Getting Started" pictures, it must have been around 4:00pm.  So, for the next series of photographs, we returned to the niche / window that I used as the final stop during Angela's visit, for the set called "Window Light".  There were some differences between Leona's Window Light & Angela's:  even though it was about the same time of day, the sun was more overhead during Angela's summer visit; also, Leona is a few inches taller than Angela.  So, take a look & compare.


















Assessment:  One thing about working with studio lights -- you don't have to worry about the light changing on you.  Not so during this set-up:  the sun was ducking in and out all the time, and I did a lousy job in keeping up with the changes in exposure.  I'm a bit disappointed by all that -- long before I started using studio lights, I was very good at watching the light & making changes on the fly.  It's just as well -- soon after Leona & I had completed the "Getting Started" pictures, the studio lights failed (since fixed -- loose connection).  Still, the technical problems were frustrating -- I had intended to invite Leona into my shower (with the lights) for some interesting image ideas.

But on the positive side, after the previous sitting a month ago plus a few exchanges, it is clear to me that Leona & I have become a lot more comfortable working together.  That's very gratifying -- "comfort" is the most important thing to me during a sitting.  Truth be told -- I don't get along with most models as well as I get along with Leona, and I don't always produce worthwhile images, but it is a good day if the model leaves the sitting feeling respected & appreciated, regardless of the resulting image quality.

I'm also finding that it is gratifying working with a less experienced model.  I think for Leona, she's very interested in the resulting images, and she will spend time critiquing the work prints & studying what we can do next time to improve. 


(Remember -- feedback is always appreciated)