Page created August 25, 2006
Sitting date:  June 11, 2006


Kristin first posed for me in March, 2005.  She lives 100 miles away, so she counts as a traveling model.  We tried to get together again, but her trips were often last minute, and I needed a bit more notice, so a second visit never happened.  However, Kristin plans on moving to California, so we made a special effort to get together once more before she moves.

Okay -- here's the punch line for the whole sitting:  the digital camera died about two-thirds into the sitting.  While we made some fine images here, I felt that we were just getting started.  So, forgive me if the commentary here is a bit short -- breaking the digital camera got me upset. 



We start on the back stairs.

Okay -- I can also admit that I was having some eye trouble.  I had a vein occlusion in my dormant eye:  basically, a vein near my optic nerve got kinked like a garden hose, causing the back of my eye to swell.  As a result, my vision looked like I was looking through glasses that were smeared with grease.  I went to a specialist, and he treated me with a steroid injection, which addressed the swelling.  My vision is much improved, but there is some damage -- now it looks like I'm looking through some wavy glass.

The upshot of all this is that I'm more appreciative of auto-focus.  This is an all-digital sitting.  






I like playing composition games like this.  I used to do this more often, and I'm glad I am getting back to this some more.


The back stairs still gets the best natural light of the house.

The bad news -- my eye problems were a definite distraction.  The good news -- I always get better than expected images when I work with Kristin. 




Still, I expect that there be far fewer than usual out takes from this sitting.  But then again, I always would choose quality over quantity -- I'm happy if there is only one good image from a sitting.  Fortunately, there often are more. 


(I'll continue the idea of putting a black border around those images I particularly like).

Still, we start slowly.  Kristin moves gracefully while staying on that spot, and she finds nice shapes for me to look at.




Now, don't ask me what was going on here.  I don't know.  Still, it's real. 


Kristin has several good "looks".

Actually, sometime around this sitting, I realized that it is better to put the camera on a tripod.  Why?  If you are holding the camera (especially a digital camera, where you look at the LCD screen), then you are looking at the camera & not the model when you make the exposure.  It's better to put the camera on the tripod, focus it, compose the image, set the exposure, etc.  Then, you can look at the model & select the right moment without bothering with the camera stuff.

So, tip #1:  use a tripod all the time. 




We let Kristin move around a bit more. 



One last image -- a little bit of fun. 



It's a funny sitting -- it's taking us a little while to gain traction, but then again, we are loose & having a bit of fun.  Go figure.

This sitting continues with Art Light, Page One


(Remember -- feedback is always appreciated) 

All images (c) 2006 Looknsee Photography

Kristin #2 Out Takes

Over 60 more images from this sitting are available in the Out Takes Galleries, which are available to those who have made a donation to the upkeep of this web site.  See this FAQ question for more details.

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