Page created December 28, 2002









Why?  Because I can!

Nowadays, it's most convenient for Leona & I to schedule our sittings in the early evening -- she comes by directly from work.  So, you can see, in the first picture, what Leona looks like when she's at work.  Often, when we arranged this sittings, I simply told Leona that I had a surprise for her.  These are the first pictures we made during this sitting.  I like the occasional whimsy in my pictures.

 Assessment:  even using my wide angle lens, I need a little more space in my "studio" (living room) in order to pull this off.  I like the fun in these pictures, but I may have to try it again someday, when I figure out how to get more space to pull it off.  Also, I think that if there were more articles of clothing tossed in the middle picture, it would be better.  So, stay tuned.  Who knows?


(Remember -- feedback is always appreciated)