Page created November 3, 2002

Okay, when I remodeled this house, I intentionally did not include a studio.  While in California, I felt I had done about as much as I could in the studio, and I wanted to work in more natural settings (e.g. the real rooms of the house).  Big mistake.  I miss the studio.  And now that the days were getting shorter, I decided to push the living room furniture aside, dust off the old studio equipment, and do some photography in the evening.  Leona agreed to come over.


Leona, wearing the dress she wore as a lead singer in a band



















  • "Does this camera make me look fat?"
  • "My girlfriend & I were driving to the coast & we passed a roadside store that had a sign that said 'Fast Food & Gas'.  I turned to my girlfriend and asked, "Who'd want to eat there?"
  • "If you don't like a job, don't get good at it."

Who says photography has to be serious?  Suggest your own caption.










Assessment:  This lighting is simple & straightforward -- a big soft box to my left provided all the lighting.  It's classic lighting.  I like it a lot, and I also like the consistency & predictability of studio lighting -- I expect to do more now that the days are getting too dark to do natural light photography in my house.  And Leona is well suited for this, with her lovely face, clear skin, and long figure.  Now often I would augment a main soft box light with either a hair light or a light onto the shadowed background, but I didn't do that this time, and this looks good.  I'll have to think about it.

(Remember -- feedback is always appreciated)