Page created May 27, 2005
Sitting date:  May 4, 2005


I really like working in my shower.  First of all, it is beautiful.  The space where we make these photographs is actually my steam room.  It's certainly bigger than your typical shower (maybe 4.5 feet by 6.5 feet), it is pretty tight in there.  I guess part of why I like it is because I get to sit really close to a beautiful nude woman.

Second of all, because of the confined space, I get to use my widest angle setting on the new digital camera.  The old camera's widest angle was 28mm (35mm equivalent), but the new camera has an even wider lens -- 24mm equivalent.




We start dry.

On the previous page, I used my pseudo-sepia toning effect, partially because the exposure didn't capture colors that well and primarily because I like the effect for the figure studies we did.  For these shower images, the color exposure was more spot on, and I am happy to include several color images. 

I love the wide angle distortion.


Here's a favorite from this sitting.  I love the ribs.

To be honest, Kira moved better in the big comfy chair and while dancing -- by now, she was a bit tired and didn't have a good idea of what these pictures would look like.  That's okay -- that's my job.  The advantage of using the digital camera is that I can immediately show the model the exposures that we've made, and it's my job to explain the concept to the model & give her direction.






With that in mind, I ask Kira to get on her hands & knees and to loom over the camera, which I have set at its widest angle.  The thing about extremely wide angle lens is that you can get really close, but Kira (and I) really don't understand how close you can get.  We try, but for the most part, these pictures don't work.  Hey, you've got to try ideas -- not all of them will work, but the failures are important because they are educational.




Kira has so much energy this day!  She rolls around all over the steam room, including on its floor.





With a really wide angle, you can make images that any foot fetishist would love.  The earlier images, were I ask Kira to loom over the camera, didn't work because she didn't quite get close enough.  This one works a bit better because the camera is just an inch or two away from her foot.


Time to get wet.  The light is from a medium-small soft box, positioned close to & a little behind the model.  

Someone please explain to me why wet skin is so sexy!







Here's a window into my thinking.

I really like this picture, but on first glance, I'm not sure I could tell you why.  Since I don't know why, I have to think about it some more.  So, here are my guesses:

  • The tonality is really good.
  • With her breasts covered, your imagination is engaged.
  • The tilt gives the image a little motion & makes it somewhat informal & intimate.
  • Those lips look kissable.
  • Wet = sexy.

What do you think?





Kira is still bouncing around with energy.  Now, she plops down on the shower floor, for some final pictures.







One final image.  I can stare at Kira forever.  If you feel the same way, check out the Out Takes.




I typically schedule sittings to last three hours, and I'm typically exhausted by the end.  But boy, Kira worked hard for me!  It seemed like she danced for an hour.  She was in a terrific mood, and she had terrific ideas.  And as always, she was in tip-top shape.

We will be hard pressed to have a sitting that is as much fun.  Hope you enjoyed these images.  I certainly enjoyed making them! 


(Remember -- feedback is always appreciated) 

All images (c) 2005 Looknsee Photography

Kira #3 Out Takes

Over 90 more images from this sitting are available in the Out Takes Galleries.  These galleries are available to those who have made a donation to the upkeep of this web site.  See this FAQ question for more details.

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