Page created March 7, 2004

Okay, we push on.










Okay, we are running out of time.  One final, quick lighting setup:






Assessment:  Kaitlynn is an attentive, beautiful, patient, and supportive model.  Sadly, she came by on one of my off-days:

  • I've got to be honest with you:  this sitting was just a couple of weeks before my dog passed away, and her poor health was on my mind and was a distraction.

  • That blasted "small mirror" setup took forever and was still poorly executed, and I knew it.  Not only did the images not match my expectations, the setup took a lot of the sitting's time.

I think I've learned a few things from this sitting.  For complicated setups, do as much planning as possible.  And some days, despite desires to the contrary, your heart just might not be in it.  Ah, well.


(Remember -- feedback is always appreciated) 

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