Page created April 16, 2005
Sitting done March 9, 2005


I'm enjoying this sitting -- I like the light we've crafted.  Kristin is moving well.  And finally, the digital camera has started working again.  We do some more variations to finish up the sitting. 




For the "Old Master Painter's Light" images, Kristin stood a foot or so in front of the backdrop.  Here, we move her back against the wall.


I fantasize about having a real studio, with plenty of space and a very, very tall ceiling.  The images made for this web site are done in my medium-sized living room (with the furniture pushed out of the way).  For these images, the main light is the big soft box (4'x6'), and because of the size of the soft box, it is positioned just a foot or two away from the model.  This creates wonderfully soft & even light, but it also implies that small changes in relative position of the model can result in significant changes to the lighting.    




Now that Kristin is against the wall, I move around a bit, photographing her from different angles.  Although I am reluctant to move away from the wonderful light from the previous page, I felt that I milked it for as much as was appropriate.  It's a bit of a danger to fall too much in love with a particular setup -- you've got to move around & check out other possibilities.  Absolutely every sitting must include something new. 






We transition to horizontal images.


Unfortunately, when Kristin lied down on her back, she had an
uncontrollable coughing fit.  She did better when she was on
her side. 






There are plenty more "lying down" images on the Out Takes pages.  I can't tell you why, but I don't usually do horizontal pictures of models very well, but these were good.  However, I can't make Kristin pose like this for long -- she's coughing a lot.

So, we get her to sit up for some final images.





We still have good lighting.   






I like to think about ratios when doing photography:  specifically the ratio of "keepers" to "exposures" for each sitting.  Higher ratios mean that I like more of the images of the sitting.

We have a very high ratio for this sitting -- I've posted a lot in these public galleries, but there are plenty in the Out Takes gallery. 




On paper, this could have been a sub-optimal sitting.  Kristin wasn't feeling all that well, and at the beginning, the digital camera was being cranky, which I found incredibly distracting.  Fortunately, the digital camera recovered, and Kristin was "trouper" enough to work through her discomfort.  We stumbled upon some wonderful, lovely lighting, and Kristin surprised me by how well she moved & posed.  So, despite these problems, we had a very good sitting.

Frequent visitors to this site will note that the previous three sittings featured usage of fetish products, in whole or in part.  I should point out that these three sittings were with models with whom I've worked and/or models who have had experience with fetish posing.  I wasn't about to attempt such posing with a new (to me) model.  Besides, it felt good to put those products down for a sitting.

Reminder -- there are lots of additional images from this sitting in the Out Takes Galleries.


(Remember -- feedback is always appreciated) 

All images (c) 2005 Looknsee Photography

More images from this sitting are available in the Out Takes Galleries.  These galleries are available to those who have made a donation to the upkeep of this web site.  See this FAQ question for more details.
There are 70 more images in the Out Takes Gallery

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