Page created May 19, 2006
Sitting date:  March 26, 2006



Working in the shower is difficult.  It's actually a steam room, and it is pretty large for a shower, but it's tiny for a photography studio.  There's only space for one light source, and there aren't too many places where the light can be.  You've also got to take care to keep the electronics dry.

Still, I like working in the shower, and Brooke looks exceptionally hot when we get her wet.

As always, we start dry.





Okay, here's something I still can't do (yet).  Before getting wet, we try some baby oil, and that does provide a nice sheen on Brooke's skin, but I just can't position the light to optimize the effect.  We'll soon try adding water.  The idea is that the baby oil will help the water to bead up on Brooke's skin.  It does work, but then again, I can't quite get the lighting right.

But that's the nature of my (artistic) life -- I find challenges & problems, and then work to solve them.  Some problems, like water beading on skin with appropriate lighting, take a while.  Please be patient while I work on this.




We add water.  Brooke does splash me, but no one is electrocuted.  The risks I take for my photography!






The space in the shower is tight, and I use the wide angle setting.  Sometimes with wide angle lenses, you can get a lot of (fun) distortion, and sometimes not.  The photographer can control this. 

To avoid the distortion:  place the camera at a mid-level -- here the camera is at roughly the same level as Brooke's hand; also select poses that don't have much depth.  Point it horizontally.

To exaggerate the distortion:  photograph from very high or very low angles, and move the camera close to some body part.

Now, I like the distortion, so we try some with Brooke leaning in towards the camera -- see below.






Actually, with the light so close (just outside the image), moving the model to the floor results in some significantly different lighting.

The problem is that the strobe's duration is 1/3000th of a second, and that tends to freeze motion.  However, the best way to photograph moving water is to use relatively long exposure times.  Here, you can barely see the water.  If we used, say, a shutter speed of 1/30th of a second (or even slower), the water would be a white blur.

Still, the shower floor is a great spot.






Okay, see -- the water is beading, but the light isn't quite right to highlight it.  I think that I'd have to do it differently if I want "water beads on skin" images:
  • I'd probably have to be closer.
  • I'd probably wouldn't use a wide angle lens -- a normal lens would be more appropriate.
  • I'd probably use a smaller (less soft) light source.  It doesn't have to be a hard/harsh source, but it probably has to be less soft that this light.
  • I'd probably want the light source to be more behind the model.
  • A two light source setup might be best.

So, someday, I'll get the model wet & bring her into the living room studio, using buckets & towels on the floor.  Someday. 






We continue to work on the floor.  Heretofore, Brooke would get her hair wet & would slick it back.  I ask her to let her wet hair tumble around her face and onto her chest.  Good choice, huh?  (Doesn't it look like that would tickle?)


Here's a token color image, for those who like color images.  Sorry, folks, but I'm still a B&W fanatic -- I don't care for color images.   




Is that a saucy little smile on Brooke's face?


Okay, one final image.  This one, I think, is my favorite of the shower images, but there are plenty of images here that I'd rank as a close second. 




It was a pleasure seeing Brooke again.  I just love photographing her.  I love finding good light for her curvy figure.  And I was particularly impressed that she arrived this day with more confidence than I remember.  I hope you've enjoyed these images as much as I do. 


(Remember -- feedback is always appreciated) 

All images (c) 2006 Looknsee Photography

Brooke #3 Out Takes

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