is a strange time here in the Pacific Northwest. For much
of the warm months, I've been using natural, ambient light, and
I started this sitting with some wonderful natural light over by
the big comfy chair. But around here, for much of the
cooler months, there just isn't enough good natural light, and
in order to continue to produce images, you've got to create
your own light.
So, I close
the roman blinds covering the big windows, and we move over to
the other side of the room, where the strobes & soft boxes
were awaiting.
I really
didn't have anything specific in mind. That's not a good
thing. My best images come after I do a little
preconceiving of them. But remember, I first heard from
Valentine just the day before, so I hadn't really thought of
anything up.
That's okay
-- I really have to work with a model a couple of times before I
can figure out some good specific concepts based on our unique
chemistry. Here, we are only getting acquainted.
Valentine does well, gracing a dining room chair with her lovely
time: I don't like this picture much, primarily because of
the expression on Valentine's face. But I'm committed to
sharing my experience here, so sometimes you need to take the
bad with the good.
she is, in all her glory. I do find her lovely face
compelling, and this light is nice on her face. Sometimes
it is a challenge to create good lighting that works for both
the model's face & figure -- this works fairly well.
Those eyes
are captivating.
With a little trepidation, let's talk about the
elephant in the room: Valentine is blessed with large
fabulous breasts. I've worried about speaking about this
explicitly, for a lot of reasons:
- When I look at a model, I like to look at the whole
gestalt and not just one particular feature.
- I'm not really a big breast fan. Don't get me
wrong, I love generous breasts, but I'm more likely to be
drawn to other features (you'll have to guess which ones).
- As lovely as the images of Valentine I've seen before,
all tended to feature her breasts. I wanted to create
something different from the images I've seen in her
- I like to think that I photograph nude people, not body
Still, her wonderful breasts, coupled with her long limbed
& slim figure, make her unique.
the old days -- I like to play with unusual compositions.
Help me -- what is
it about this particular model that makes me want to post more color
images of her?
Okay, I admitted that I'm not really a breast
guy. Let me admit to something else. There was a
time, not too long ago, when I would have been intimidated
working with a beauty like Valentine. She had posed for so
many wonderful images before me -- I wasn't sure that the images
I'd make would measure up. Also, because the images I've
seen were so good, I had the assumption that Valentine had lots
& lots of experience.
Well, I'm older now, and I realize that I don't photograph
competitively. It doesn't matter to me how my photographs
of Valentine will measure up to the other images she posed
for. What matters is that I continue my own growth as a
photographer and that we both have fun during the sitting.
Further, Valentine turned out to be younger & less
experienced than I had assumed. So, in a way, that's a
compliment for Valentine -- she works so naturally that she
appears more experienced than she really is. That, too, didn't /
doesn't matter. What matters is whether we get to a place
where we are comfortable together and where we can communicate
well together. I was at ease with her, and I think she was at
ease with me.
Folks know that I'm not a big fan of
tattoos. As much as I make fun of Valentine for looking
like a 1968 hippie chick, she is a modern woman, and she does
have two tattoos -- one of which is at the top of her left calf,
on the outside. She crosses her leg for me, covering that
tattoo. (You'll note that she's covering her tattoo in the
previous images, too).
Folks also know that I am a big fan of straight and/or
exaggerated posture. Valentine further accommodates me by
moving from the previous leaning-forward poses to poses like
this one, where she exaggerates good posture.
During a sitting, the model & I are communicating
constantly. I've seen photographers go silent when working
with models -- they just walk around & snap away, and I
believe that such sittings are incredibly boring to the
model. I'm the opposite: I tell the model what I
see, what I like, what I don't like, what we should try,
etc. Hopefully, the model finds that more involving.
In fact, when we first started, Valentine did request that
I provide her with direction, and I have no problem with
-- I also like when a model gives me a twist or a stretch to her
torso. I mention this, and Valentine throws her left arm
over the back of the chair. That works for me.
That's a good
example of how I work -- I don't always suggest specific
poses. Rather, I just make a general comment &
challenge the model to find a solution.
I like this
better. It engages the model's brain, and the results are
often more natural looking.
your models.
a color image. There's something about Valentine that
inspires me to look closer at the color versions of these
images, but I don't know what that is. If I really think
about it, this image is full of warm toned colors, and there's
nothing wrong with the B&W / sepia treatment I normally
provide. Yet I want to see Valentine in color. Maybe
that's part of her 1968 mystique.
I'll have to
think about this some more. Let me know if you have any
Meanwhile, I
am a fan of poses in which the model's shoulders are of
different height.
don't always remember, but when I'm working with a new-to-me
model, I try to remember to make some horizontal images. I
remember this time. Using the same basic lighting setup,
we set up a couple small benches & my soft chenille
blanket. |
a big fan of flat tummies, probably because I don't have one
myself. I just love the lines in Valentine's figure.
I should
mention that Valentine had a little cough, and this image was
made just after a little coughing fit. She told me that
she's okay to continue, and continue we did, but I've
photographed models with a cough before, and sometimes, these
lying-down images become a little rough. Although I like
these images, I resolve not to keep her lying down for
long. In retrospect, there's a lot of horizontal ideas I'd
love to try with Valentine -- that's what the second sitting is
for. |
do like stretching, horizontal images of lean models, because
images like this reveal the underlying architecture of the human
body. That's the initial appeal to this image, for
me. Other elements are appealing: in particular, I
like the contrasts in textures between the chenille blanket, Valentine's
skin, and the canvas backdrop. Not to be crude, but images
like this one evoke my sense of touch, because I can easily
imagine running my finger tips over all the contours of
Valentine's figure. In practice, however, there's no
touching of the models during a sitting -- they've got too many
cooties. |
this vertical image, I explore that texture idea further,
including a little bit of the wooden floor. I just like
how Valentine's body looks here -- she's giving me just enough
arch in her back. I also like the contrasting diagonals
(her right arm, her left thigh).
I'm glad that we got enough light at the
small of her back to define her shape -- if all that area was in
shadow, I doubt I would like this image as much.
last vertical image is actually a radical crop of this
image. I do like this image, too, but it's a little weird
for me. The furniture nor the setting isn't natural.
She kinda looks like a human sacrifice on a chenille
altar. But that's just my sick mind at work. I like
the vertical crop a lot more. |
so I can see what it looks like, I ask Valentine for a radical
arch to her back. Then, I crop the resulting image, so you
can't see her hands by her head. Her torso looks like it's
levitating. (I'm also glad that her feet aren't exactly
even with each other). |
might have mentioned how much I like my models to figure out how
to stretch & twist a bit. |
ask Valentine to roll onto her side. I'm glad I did.
I still think Valentine is a three ring circus, even without her
clothing. I can stare at this picture for a long
time. Study it for me a bit.
Besides the
obvious, I just like letting my eye wander. In particular,
I like the light on Valentine's neck -- it inspires the inner
vampire in me. But there's more. Like the the subtle
tonal separation that outlines the shape of Valentine's ribs
along her right side. I like the lovely light on
Valentine's face. |
ask Valentine to get lower. It's amazing -- the lighting
hasn't moved, but the light on her face is significantly
different. Although Valentine looks lovely, I don't like
the light. I could fuss around & fix it, but I was
concerned about keeping Valentine horizontal, and I knew I
wanted to get her into the shower. So, after just a couple
more exposures, we move to the bathroom. |