Page created January 23, 2006
Sitting date:  November 26, 2005

Normally, I like to "process" a sitting fully before undertaking the next one, but with so many opportunities popping up, I couldn't say "no".  When Ashton suggests a sitting during a stop through town, I had to say "yes".  ...
Additional images from this sitting are available in the Out Take Galleries.  (You will need a username & password to access the Out Takes Galleries -- see this FAQ question for more information). 


... In fact, this is my fourth sitting is a row without fully completing the first.  Normally, I like to plan a few concepts for a sitting before it starts -- this time, I drew a blank.  So, we winged it.








Ashton is a terrific model who gets a high recommendation from me.  She is beautiful, flexible, uninhibited, and fun.  We had great fun, and that's all that's important -- this was a successful sitting.  

Given the choice, I wouldn't want to create a four sitting backlog like I did, but when opportunities like working with Ashton pop up, you've got to take them.  I've learned, however, that my process, including preparing some concepts before the sitting, is essential for my making my best photographs. 


(Remember -- feedback is always appreciated) 

All images (c) 2006 Looknsee Photography

Ashton, Third Sitting Out Takes

Over 80 more images from this sitting are available in the Out Takes Galleries.  There also are over 20 images on a Secret Gallery page.  These galleries are available to those who have made a donation to the upkeep of this web site.  See this FAQ question for more details.

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